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Yey! Our First Bootcamp! The Pilot

Posted on 2018-08-15 by Carol Cabal

Whew!  We finally held our first bootcamp last Saturday – thanks to all our friends who came to spend their Saturday morning with us to get pumped up!   You are the first to use our brand new toys – the GIANT rubber bands (a.k.a. resistance bands) – Ann’s fave!  I thought that the work-out was tough so I was surprised … or should I say, jealous, that some of you begged for more.  Guess I got to step up my game!

OK … at the risk of revealing too much of myself here – I admit that I am new to this game.  I am coming from a more-or-less sedentary profession where half the time I sat behind the computer and the other half I spent pacing back-and-forth mumbling what was perceived to be mumbo-jumbo in front of curious (or often-times bored) faces.  I did this for over 20 years.  Yikes!  Did I just tell you how old I am?  OK.  I’m 54.  I started seriously exercising only 3 years ago in preparation for my very-first triathlon in April 2015.  Happy that I survived that unscathed and wanting to do more, I took my old friend and swimming buddy as Personal Trainer – Ann-Marie Pereira.  Before then, we really only ate, partied, and BBQed (swimming was just an excuse) so training with her felt odd.  Well, I did get used to it and eventually she allowed me to join her group fitness classes.  She said I was now “good enough” to join it (I am rolling my eyeballs right now … where’s that emoji?).  Anyway, it felt odd again.  I was used to having her 100% attention on me and now I have to “share” her with others in the group.  Well I guess I am kinda adaptable and soon enough I got used to it …  in fact, I enjoyed it very much and looked forward to doing it every time.

Which brings me back to where I started this blog:  Our very first bootcamp with you.  The Pilot Bootcamp.  That IS why we did it.  Just wanted to have FUN … and to get FIT along the way.  And those GIANT rubber bands were nifty!
